Apache Beam
- Setting up Django app with Postgres database and health check
- Creating Django REST API with custom user model and tests
- Custom user authentication in Django, with tests
- Deploy Django on Kubernetes with Skaffold, for development and production
- Tips for building a clean REST API in Django
Functional programming
- Using fp-ts for HTTP requests and validation
- Introduction to composable optics with monocle-ts
- Introduction to property-based testing
- How I accidentally learned functional programming
- Why I love learning functional programming
- Functional programming tips to power up your Python code
- Getting started with local development on Kubernetes with Skaffold
- Setting up Django app with Postgres database and health check
- How to deploy Postgres on Kubernetes with Skaffold
- Deploy Django on Kubernetes with Skaffold, for development and production
- Run your first Kubeflow pipeline
- A philosophy of software product development
- What is good software?
- My values
- Looking back on my career so far
- How to run amazing meetings
- How I suffered my first burnout as software developer
- Covariance and contravariance in generic types
- How I accidentally learned functional programming
- Setting up Django app with Postgres database and health check
- Functional programming tips to power up your Python code
- Getting started with Apache Beam for distributed data processing
- How to speed up I/O-intensive tasks with multithreading and asyncio
- How to process CPU-intensive tasks from asynchronous stream
- Creating Django REST API with custom user model and tests
- Custom user authentication in Django, with tests
- Tips for building a clean REST API in Django
Reading notes
- Are you an ideal team player?
- Notes of Clean Architecture
- How to lead an engineering team at Google
- How to work in a software engineering team
- Notes of Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if your life depended on it
- Getting started with local development on Kubernetes with Skaffold
- How to deploy Postgres on Kubernetes with Skaffold
- Deploy Django on Kubernetes with Skaffold, for development and production
- Are you an ideal team player?
- How to lead an engineering team at Google
- How to work in a software engineering team
- How to run amazing meetings