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Software development

What is good software?

During the last three years, I've had the opportunity to conduct some 70 technical interviews. In all these interviews, I've asked candidates the same question: "What is good software?" In this post, I'd like to share some ideas of answers to this question.

Custom user authentication in Django, with tests

In the previous part, we created a custom user model in Django. In this part, I'd like to show how to roll custom authentication. Neither custom user model nor custom authentication are required for the granular role-based access control, but I'd like this series to be a complete tour of authentication and authorization in Django. The code accompanying the series can be found in GitHub. So let's get started!

Creating Django REST API with custom user model and tests

In this short series of articles, I'd like to share how to implement granular, resource-level role-based access control in Django. We'll build a REST API that returns 401s (Unauthorized) for unauthenticated users, 404s for authenticated users not authorized to view given resources, and 403s (Forbidden) for users authorized to view resources but forbidden to perform given actions.

How to speed up I/O-intensive tasks with multithreading and asyncio

Recently I had to perform a batch processing task where a thousands of images were downloaded from S3, the images were processed and then uploaded to a new bucket in S3. As the processing was relatively lightweight, most of the computation time was spent on downloading and uploading images, that is, I/O. Such I/O bound tasks are a great fit for multithreading (CPU-bound tasks better fit multiprocessing, with all its quirks related to serialization). In this post, I'd like to share a small example how to run tasks in a thread pool.

Functional programming tips to power up your Python code

Hi! In this post, I'd like to present my favorite functional programming techniques (FP) for Python. I'm a big fan of FP as I've found that by following FP principles I can write code that is more readable and easier to debug. Python is not a functional programming language (and it never will be), but I think there are still many things we can learn from languages such as Haskell that are beneficial also in Python.

Introduction to property-based testing

Property-based testing is a testing paradigm supporting regular example-based unit tests. In the Pragmatic Programmer book, the authors recommend to use property-based testing for verifying assumptions about their code. It forces you to think about the actual preconditions, postconditions and invariants of your code instead of implicitly coming up with such rules through hard-coded examples.

Covariance and contravariance in generic types

Static typing is awesome. It helps to detect bugs, acts as in-code documentation and makes development more enjoyable. Recently I've started to use Python's typing module to add static typing to all of my Python projects. Python's typing system may not be as as powerful as one might hope, but I think once you go typed, you don't go back.